Managed to just get this done in time before battening down the hatches. It started life as a very simple heavily blocked image with only two or three colours but it very quickly expanded into the above. It just so happens that it has quite a seasonal feel - so it'll do the job! It's basically an inked version of the pencil sketch I did back in November which can be seen here if you wanna compare and contrast.
Anyway, that'll be it until the very beginning of the new year. Hopefully I'll have some sketches to upload when I get back but there won't, in all likelihood, be any posts until 2010. My motto for next year is (the same as last year): Bigger, Better, Faster, More!
A big thanks to all of you who check in here regularly and especially those who left comments/critiques. They're all very welcome and sorry if I didn't answer all the questions that were put my way.
Have a festive Yule if you're celebrating it and best for 2010.