
Friday 30 September 2016

Now on Instagram...

Have finally managed to get my aching cortex around the process of setting up Instagram via computer. Maybe I've inhaled to much paint-thinners over the mis-spent years (purely in the pursuit of art, you understand) but an account has finally been set up and art scraps, processes and other related nonsense will be uploaded. If you've got too much time on your hands then go check it out. Cheers!

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Kurt Russell

Did you spill Kurt's pint?

I recently rewatched The Thing - one of my favourite films -  which, of course, stars Kurt as RJ Macready. If the last time you saw it was on a creaky old VHS version taped off the TV then I strongly encourage you to check out the Blue Ray of the film. It's beautifully clear and everything holds up great - even the special effects, which was a surprise given the age of the film. The recent prequel film isn't bad but the characters lack the great chemistry that the originals had between them; all evoked in the funny, snappy and hip dialogue. Every fan knows the great quotes from the original - but can anyone quote from the prequel? I certainly can't.

Sunday 25 September 2016

East Bay Ray


Punk-twang-surf-jazz guitar god East Bay Ray from Dead Kennedys.

Dead Kennedys are coming to my town next month to scare the locals but the question remains: is the DKs the DKs without Jello? A jury convened down the pub last Saturday night (which comprised of some heavyweight fans) and remained out. No matter; still gonna go and tap a toe.

Friday 23 September 2016

More progress

A crop of a painting I'm reworking of Mick Jagger; started - and put to one side - a while back. Always a slow process for me, or so it seems, but it's great to have a physical piece coming together. It's actually going to be a painting of a digital version that can be seen here. I'm interested to see how the two will compare side-by-side: it will be a first.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Alberto Giacometti

'Turned out thin again..."

That's a bad art joke, folks.

Thought I'd sketch the famous sculptor, painter and draughtsman while I was waiting for an extremely late materials order to arrive. Better than swearing and pacing the room.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Iggy Interview

Iggy Pop - pencil sketch coloured in Photoshop. All words Copyright Pitchfork. Click on for clearer view.

Saturday 3 September 2016

Gene Wilder

Finally managed to find time to acknowledge - by way of caricature - the departure of the great Gene Wilder. He's looking kinda suave here though that wasn't the initial intention. Wonka, Frankenstein and The Waco Kid will be his defining roles for me.

Tools: Sketchbook Pro.