
Friday 27 June 2014

Vincent Price

 Acrylic paint on  watercolour card - 41.5cm x 29.5cm

"...The midnight hour is close at hand", heh, heh! Been away from the paints too long so I've had good fun (for the most part) wacking down some real colours to try and capture the great face of Vincent Price - who's looking suitably horrified at the impudence of this caricature artist. The reference image was quite low-res - without any discernable fine details - and so forced me to keep the brush marks real loose.Close up, the result is pretty impressionistic but that's no bad thing.


Above are some progress shots - 'pologies about the bad quality; they were lit only by one angel-poise lamp - but it gives an idea of how it built up. Some details changed, like the bow tie, but I kept pretty faithful to the original sketch with this one. And yes, his 'tache really was that wonky.

Above is the original sketch, done digitally with Sketchbook Pro.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Pelé - revisited

Created the main image of Pelé a while ago and uploaded with a different setting...which I never really liked, but couldn't come up with anything better at the time. Seeing as all eyes are on Brazil for the 2014 soccer world cup, I thought it would be a good time to revise it and reload it! I much prefer these colours.