
Sunday 27 January 2013

Death Makes You Live (Wilko Johnson)


I try and keep this blog art-related but in this post I wanted to highlight a recent BBC story about the musician Wilko Johnson who, at the time of writing, has very recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Sadly, too many people get diagnosed with this but it was Wilko's reaction to the news which caught my interest: his was extremely interesting, profound and refreshingly untypical compared to some people's ruminations on the condition - especially in regard to how diagnosis actually lifted his life-long depression. Check this link here for the BBC's report.

Friday 25 January 2013


Here's a fairly quick re-working of an old pencil sketch of Hollywood fav' Mr Jack Lemmon. I wanted to do a b&w painting just to concentrate on form and shade. There wasn't a lot of detail in the reference photo so I had to fill in the blanks. It's very rare I do a side-on portrait and, like anything, it's tricky if you're not used to it - you have to go about things in a slightly different way... good fun.

Brand new colour study of a silver screen actor coming soon...ish.

Thursday 10 January 2013

You Drive Me Ape!

It's a right old chimps' republican tea-party. Here's American right-winger, Paul Broun, who's currently entertaining the thinking world with his views on the source of his policies - and suggesting where his diabolical opponents derive theirs...

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Oh yeah...

...just noticed; I just managed to post more uploads last year in 2012 than I did in 2011. By two. Which is pretty poor, I have to admit, so I'm going to try and post in excess of that this year. By more than two. That's the plan, wish me luck.

Mario Monti

...and we're off. It's Mario, mopping up in the wake of all that Bunga.

2013 - here we go!

Happy new year, everyone! Hope the hangover's worn off and those new pencils that Santa brought are now being put to good use. My new year's resolution is the same as ever - and that's to keep busting through the ceiling; raising the floor; taking the window of opportunity; as well as applying a whole bunch of other building-related clichés to cement success. Posts coming soon...