
Thursday 23 December 2010

A Merry Christmas sneeky-peek!

Hey everyone - just to say hope youse-all have a great festive break with those who mean the most and that your stockings overflow with Santa goodness. In a perennial show of seasonal un-preparedness I haven't designed or drawn a personal greeting to upload so you'll just have to make do with a sneak-peek of a piece I've had knocking around my hard drive for way too long. It's 95% done but I've just been so busy with other stuff it's been somewhat overlooked. But watch out! - he's gonna escape sooooon, heh, heh.  Merry Christmas!

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Smokey Robinson

More first stage artwork for 'The Canvas'

Monday 20 December 2010

Brian Hanrahan

...the well known BBC journalist who's died.

Friday 17 December 2010

Evil Dead Ash

"We're gonna get you..."

Here's Bruce - in situ - as promised.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Sam Allardyce x2

Apparently he's topical at the moment. I just liked the face - good for 2d sculpting.

Friday 10 December 2010


Don't put much commission stuff up...but here's one.
A recent job for a groom who wanted to give it as a gift for his best man.

It's ink outline with pencil in-fill which I've never tried before. The customer suggested it and I was dubious at first but I liked the result so I'll probably do it again.

Bruce Campbell

ASH! - the chisel-chinned dispatcher of the undead!

I recently completed this for Loopy Dave (check out his amazing work here) for his generous gift of a year's membership on Deviant Art; though his version doesn't have a large watermark over Bruce's ample chin - heh! See what you can get if ya good to me?!!! ha,ha!

It was good fun to do and I rediscovered my love of the greatest horror/comedy flick in the process.

Currently workin' on an expanded 'movie-still' version of the above: so stand by!

Thursday 9 December 2010

Sunday 5 December 2010