
Thursday 24 December 2009

T.S Eliot (inked)

Managed to just get this done in time before battening down the hatches. It started life as a very simple heavily blocked image with only two or three colours but it very quickly expanded into the above. It just so happens that it has quite a seasonal feel - so it'll do the job! It's basically an inked version of the pencil sketch I did back in November which can be seen here if you wanna compare and contrast.

Anyway, that'll be it until the very beginning of the new year. Hopefully I'll have some sketches to upload when I get back but there won't, in all likelihood, be any posts until 2010. My motto for next year is (the same as last year): Bigger, Better, Faster, More!
A big thanks to all of you who check in here regularly and especially those who left comments/critiques. They're all very welcome and sorry if I didn't answer all the questions that were put my way.

Have a festive Yule if you're celebrating it and best for 2010.


Tuesday 22 December 2009

Wanna be a Deviant?

There may just be a few of you out there who haven't stumbled across DeviantART yet so I wanted to give it a plug in case you were seeking some more exposure for your artwork. It's a massive site based on the west coast of the USA and has profiles of some of the best artists working in the world today.

There are over 11million members and over 100,000 uploads per day! If you're familiar with sites like Toonpool or Wittygraphy then DeviantART works on a similar basis - just more so! It's for any creative outlet: video, photography, sculpts/modelling, all forms of illustration and even writing. The site is free to join and create a profile but if you want to improve your site you can pay subscriptions in slightly increasing increments to adapt and expand your options. Check it out! I've got my own Russ Cook account on the site though it's pretty much most of the stuff that's posted here; but drop by and write a sarky comment if ya wanna!

Aaaaaanyway, I'm going to get at least one more image posted up here before Christmas then it'll be turkey and Her Maj' all the way.

Sunday 20 December 2009

You want Zola...?

...I give ya Zola! (There you go, Stevie C - it finally happened!)

Friday 18 December 2009

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Frankie Boyle

He said Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? This guy delivers savage wit shod in size ten hob-nailed boots so you'd better duck if you think 'Miranda' is the last word in comedy. Probably not on Rebecca Adlington's Christmas card list this year.

Monday 14 December 2009

David James

Portsmouth and England Goalkeeper David James who is Beck's only serious rival in the national squad for extremely changable (and sometimes questionable) coiffures. I went for the 'fro as it's always fun to draw.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Jack Dee

It's the comedic crosspatch Mr Dee; this time in colour!

Friday 11 December 2009

Alan Bennett

Quick sketch of Alan Bennett as a change from all those footie fizzogs

Friday 4 December 2009

Frank Lampard

It's the beautiful game all the way at the moment!

Rio Ferdinand

Keeping with England footballers here's the current vice-captain...

Thursday 3 December 2009

Michael Carrick

 A warm-up for today's drawing. Although on a second glance his hair's gone a bit Tina Turner. Sorry Michael.

Jermain Defoe

OK! one last quick 'un and now it really must be time for zeds.

Peter Crouch

Been doing loads of drawings for various caricature projects but unfortunately am not at liberty to show any due to contractual reasons. If it's OK at some future date then I'll post 'em.
So I thought I'd wind down tonight doing some more drawing! Here's crazy legs Crouch: Britain's best hope for Strictly Come Dancing, if nothing else.