
Philip Pullman

If you fancy a chance at owning this piece then you'll have to get down to Bladon primary school hall (Oxon) on Saturday 5th December.Why? The school needs a new library so they're holding a bazaar where it will be raffled as a prize.

Saturday 28 November 2009

German exposure!

Seems like an old acrylic caricature that I painted a while ago of David Beckham has been chosen along with nine others artists' work to feature in the online version of Germany's Stern magazine. If you want to check it out as well as some other cool caricatures then click here.

Robert Pattinson

The crepuscular dude of the moment; Mr Bob Pattinson

Thursday 19 November 2009


It's good to be back. And why not with the fizzog of the the self-proclaimed 'Prince Of Darkness': Ozzy Osbourne!

Monday 16 November 2009

Tumbleweed blows...

Where's all the new stuff? - that's what I wanna know!

There's been a terrible paucity of work here in Cook Towers, I'm afraid.

(Cue: violins) I managed to gain a painful injury to my right hand (drawing hand,of course) last week and ever since then my drawing has been practically nil. It gets better if I don't over-use it and I'm bustin' to get back to creating some fresh illo's 'cause I'm going outta my miiiiiiiiiiiind.

New stuff soon. Promise.

Sunday 8 November 2009

Mr Jarvis's 40th

My mate Chris's 40th birthday prompted the above effort which was used as a birthday card. An excellent cartoonist in his own right but with no online artwork as yet. Hopefully he'll get some stuff up soon.

Here's a three-stager showing its progression. It all started with a very rough scribble just to get the desired 'shape'. Didn't bother with a clean drawing as I felt there was enough there to get going on the final line work...I think he liked it, anyway!

Friday 6 November 2009

Fetch the garlic!

Our lord and master (if you're this side of the pond). It would have been nice to get this done for Halloween but I'm afraid it wasn't to be. Don't have nightmares...

Tuesday 3 November 2009


 A quick scribble of Cab Calloway...